BALLiSTIC – Sci-Fi | Action short film by Film Riot
BALLiSTIC is a science fiction/action short film written & directed by Ryan Connolly. Set in the near future, BALLiSTIC drops viewers into a violent episode involving a young woman (played by Hannah Ward) being pursued by a “bunch of armed bad guys.” Typical enough, but Connolly’s judicious use of flash-backs communicates just enough about the history and psychological makeup of the heroine to keep me interested to the end. I really liked BALLiSTIC, and hope Connolly continues the story.
How They Made BALLiSTIC
VERY interesting behind-the-scenes video on the planning, equipment, and decisions made while creating the short film BALLiSTIC. Connolly explains a lot about what happened each day of the shoot and how circumstances dictated some important decisions. I was particularly intrigued with how Connolly trusted the actors to improve his vision and override his planning when it made sense. I really like this guy.
Source: Film Riot