We are stardust…literally
Some think the seeds of life came from the Big Bang, but that misses a critical part of how the elements of life came to be.
Some think the seeds of life came from the Big Bang, but that misses a critical part of how the elements of life came to be.
As a bio major in college, this got me laughing…then thinking…then laughing some more.
Ken Miller gave a fascinating talk where he, in part, hoped to sway creationists to accept the theory of evolution. But as a long-ago biology major in college, what fascinated me about the talk was how far genetic analysis has come.
I studied biology in college and these animations that model cellular and molecular activity have done more to help me appreciate and understand (as best we can) what is going on in cells than any still images or text. This should be the future of learning biology, chemistry, physics. A picture is great, but moving …