The first casualties of ChatGPT and other AI LLMs
ChatGPT & AI is replacing human jobs and making some business models obsolete, leading to significant impacts on companies and industries.
ChatGPT & AI is replacing human jobs and making some business models obsolete, leading to significant impacts on companies and industries.
Wealth inequality in America ~ Very interesting video on the how perception of America’s distribution of wealth differs hugely from the reality. Exceedingly well done animated graphics tell a disturbing story of where wealth resides in America, and, as important, where it doesn’t.
I didn’t plan on watching the whole talk by Economist Michael Hudson but, as an old MBA student, I couldn’t let go.
The ascertain here is that during the housing/derivative/financial crisis, bailing out the banks was NOT the ONLY solution. It was merely the best solution for banks that by-and-large caused the crisis. The victims of the crisis, the home owners, did not benefit from the bank bailout. Their debt remained essentially the same.
Nobel economist Paul Krugman argues that the GOP’s goal of increasing U.S. oil production will not help gas prices. The logic is simple:
Minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment at “Fair Market Rent” by working a standard 40-hour work week in ANY state in the U.S.
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine wrote a scathing piece for the OWS movement about widespread illegal practices committed by Bank of America, and how all of us, particularly the U.S. government, have been facilitators in B 0f A’s larceny. Taibbi is a very knowledgeable, smart reporter on economic issues, and his piece stirred in …
Totally brilliant! Point after point after point, I was enthralled by Napolitano’s rant. Thanks Judge! Fox Business Network Cancels Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine.
City of Berkeley recently announced plans to remove all financial assets from the city’s current banker, Wells Fargo–a withdrawal of approximately $300 million.
Using historical data, Richard Wilkinson illustrates how income disparities WITHIN a society are strongly correlated with poorer general health, shorter lifespans, increased violence, less upward mobility, and much, much more. Quite shocking. Economic inequality matters.