Earth ~ The Big Blue Marble
Just because…We sometimes need a reminder…
Just because…We sometimes need a reminder…
Ra, the Sun God, has moods. Shot at NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), this fascinating 3 minute time-lapse video captures 3 years of our sun’s peak activity during it’s “normal” 11 year cycle. Watching it, I felt quite vulnerable…
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s disturbing thought: That there is about a one percent difference between human DNA and the DNA of our nearest genetic relatives the chimpanzee. You could say that whatever it is that makes us human is somehow contained in that one percent difference. Think of what those differences are: simple tools vs. rockets, …
In his TED talk, Brian Greene makes a startling point. In addition to the fascinating idea that there may be many more universes than just ours, he notes that at some point in the future, the stars are going to disappear.
Robotic grippers ~ What a simple, brilliant idea for solving an difficult problem: How to enable robot “hands” to pick up objects as easily as human hands do. I would love to hear the story behind this insight.
As a bio major in college, this got me laughing…then thinking…then laughing some more.
Stephen Colbert (out of character, as himself) interviews astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson at the prep school MontClair Kimberley Academy. The topics are far ranging, but orbit around science, culture, truth, and Tyson’s enthusiasm for learning–all wrapped in good, biting humor and mutual respect. Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson at Montclair Kimberley Academy – 2010-Jan-29 …
This collection of Neil deGrasse Tyson clips (assembled by Scrunchthethird on YouTube) are inspiring. I’m old enough to remember when we landed on the moon and the excitement that generated in me as a child. It was a great way to grow scientists. It was a great way to keep us dreaming. We’ve lost our …
The entire video is fascinating, but this bit about the arrogance of scientists and the religious is particularly interesting. The arrogance of being thick as a brick – YouTube.
The secret is to fill the bottle with non-carbonated liquid (water) AND leave some space at the top for air. Than slam your hand over the top (as in the video). If you do it right, the compression of the air will create enough pressure to break the bottom of the glass bottle. This guy (William …