00:00 🗣️ Jordan Peterson's caution against political correctness
02:18 🎓 Universities as incubators of political correctness
04:08 💬 Impact and origins of political correctness
06:15 🤔 Consequences of shielding individuals from discomfort
07:55 🔒 Upholding free speech even when despising the message
09:05 👪 Parenting and fostering resilience in children
10:31 🧠 Encouraging intellectual and moral growth through parenting
11:26 🌟 Jordan Peterson's impact as a public intellectual
Posted in r/todayilearned by u/redwalrus11 • 33,861 points and 2,406 comments
Good unpacking of recent accusations against Jordan Peterson.
Really good argument that hierarchies are needed for us to aspire and make goals--equality hurts progress because it gives us nothing (less?) to aspire for as individuals. Also, comparing yourself with others is NOT helpful. Compare only with yourself and mark progress (or loss). Focus on Incremental changes, which operate like compound interest and can turn your life around.