Bill Maher on Religion - I worry about this trend. In this video, Bill Maher calls himself a "Rationalist," and those who have religious beliefs he calls some pretty harsh names. I know it's Maher's shtick, and it's not that I'm religious myself. What raises red flags for me is when I hear a self-righteous voice -- whether "rationalist" or religious. Believe what you want; I don't care. But I think Maher's "rationalist" slam of all with religious beliefs is just as self-righteous as a fundamentalist Christian claiming those who don't believe in Jesus will got to hell. Arrogance, on whatever side, raises warning flags for me....

But we are attracted to confidence, aren't we? When we can't find faith in ourselves, we seek it out in the arrogant are rewarded with this attention, and thrive.

(:youtube -IcUumWzue4:)

New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer by Bill Maher

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