I'm not sure I have the facts right here. Given you want to exercise X hours per week, is it really better to have fewer, longer workouts, than more frequent, shorter workouts? That's my ascertain, but all I know for sure is that your burn more fat at the end of a workout than at the beginning, as I explain. I've seen arguments for both sides. Don't really know which is correct, or if it even makes a difference.

Fat Burn Principle - Most dieters have experienced the yo-yo diet syndrome, where you lose weight (fat and muscle) through starving yourself. You reach your goal. Great! But then, with less calorie-burning muscle, you go back to old eating habits and gain more weight (fat) than you lost.

It's a vicious cycle.

To bust the cycle, you break down and exercise, trying to burn more calories than you take in. That's the only formula that works. But I bet you've asked yourself this question:s

Is there a way to get your body to burn more fat during exercise?

Turns out there is, and it's surprisingly simple.

Burning Fat Depends on Time

Here's a surpising fat loss fact. During a workout (all other things being equal):

Your body burns more fat during the last five minutes of the workout than in the first five minutes.

The reason is logical. During the beginning of your workout, your body burns the most readily available energy sources, usually stored glucose or simple carbs. But as those quick energy sources deplete, it turns to other sources, one of which is fat.

So the longer the workout, the more fat you burn.

Burn More Fat With One Small Change

If you have only a specific amount of time per week to workout, it makes sense to schedule fewer workouts per week, each lasting a longer duration.

For example, say you're currently exercising three hours a week, split into six 30-minute workouts. You will burn more fat if you schedule three 60-minute workouts per week. That burns more fat than shorter workouts yet take the same total amount of time.

That one change will help you burn more fat even though your not exercising more per week.


During a workout, your body burns more fat per minute at the end of your workout than in the beginning. You can take advantage of this fact and burn more fat yet exercise the same amount of time each week. Just divide your weekly workout time into few workout session of longer duration. That way. with the same total time exercising per week. One way to burn more fat without exercising more per week is to schedule few, longer workout sessions each week.

To burn more fat, schedule make your workouts last longer per session. , yet still So you can exercise the same amount per week, As an example, say you have you have the same amount of time per week to work out

  • Fewer work outs during the week, each workout being of longer duration.

Diet Basics Burning Fat

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Healthy Weight Loss & Burning Fat

What does it mean to be overweight? Why is it so hard to stay at an ideal weight if it's ideal for you? These are great questions we all want answered.

I always had a problem with the phrase, "Ideal Weight." If it's my ideal weight, why is it so hard to reach it and then even harder to keep it?

Well, let's take it one step at a time and learning about burning fat to lose weight.

Fat & Muscle

What does it mean to be overweight? Depending on multiple factors including height, body structure, genetics, and environment there is an ideal weight for you.

In reality, it's best to think of it as a range of weights where optimal health and wellbeing have the best chance of occurring. Usually the ideal weight range is set a few pounds above and below your ideal weight.

For instance, if your ideal weight is 135 pounds. Then your ideal weight range is 138-132. If you weigh anywhere within this range, your risk of certain diseases is minimal and your life expectancy is at it's maximum.

If your weight falls outside of this range, then the risk of certain diseases increases, life expectancy drops, and, most importantly, your quality of life decreases.

To calculate your ideal weight use this link. This will open a new window at the web site of Dr. Stephen Hall. He has the most up to date body weight calculators.

When you finish simply close the window and it brings you back to this very spot.

If you happen to weigh over the ideal weight calculated, it means you have too much fat. Your body loves to store it and save it for energy emergencies. But in this day and age we rarely see energy emergencies and the result is more and more fat stored throughout our bodies.

It is that simple. The hard part is reversing the process. Why is it so hard? Read the answer to the next question...

Why is it so hard to stay at an ideal weight if it's ideal for you?

There are two reasons it's so hard to stay at your ideal weight.

1. A mis-perception
Most adults think that their ideal weight never changes. Well, it does change. As you age, it is natural to gain weight. Your ideal weight at 30 is significantly lower than your ideal weight at 60.

This is known as Age Related Weight Gain, a natural process we all go through.

2. Too Much Energy
Despite feeling lethargic, which is the case for most adults overweight, you have a large excess amount of energy. This excess energy has to be used in order to return to an age adjusted ideal weight.

One way to use it, is to exercise. Build muscle. Muscle is very active tissue and will help increase your metabolism. With a higher metabolism, you'll burn some of the excess fat (excess energy) and lose weight.

In summary:

Overweight = Excess Pounds = Excess Fat
Healthy Weight Loss = Lose Excess Fat = Lose Excess Pounds

We found only ONE book that promotes safe ways to "burn" fat while emphasizing muscle gain.

It's called, Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, and is written by a few body builders with several years of experience.

Click here on Fat Burning Analysis to learn more about healthy weight loss and losing fat!

Remember...diets that promote fast weight loss will not "burn" fat. Instead, weight loss comes from losing water and muscle...the two things you need most!

Musashi — 08 June 2008, 03:09

Your theory is completely wrong. Six short 30 minutes workouts is much better than three 60 minute workouts. The metabolic boost from short workouts outweighs any benefit from longer workouts. Shorter workouts also allow for greater intensity, which also increases fat burning. One might even argue that nine 20 minute workouts would be best. Ultimately what matters is intensity and consistency.