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You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.
~ [Usenet]
Norman O. Brown
I found his name while reading The Judoka, by W.D. (William) Norwood. On page 85 he paraphrases a quote from Norman O. Brown:
- W.D. Norwood paraphrase of Norman O. Brown sentiment
From what I've learned, Norman O. Brown was a respected philosopher who lived a long life, though he did have Alzheimer's disease.
I wonder if W.D. Norwood is still alive. The literati / Judoka wrote a wonderful book and shared a bit of wisdom.
Life is accelerating by me. The NY Times quote:
How the hell do you do that?
What I've Learned by Homer Simpson
What I've Learned: Homer Simpson
Nuclear-power-plant safety inspector, 39, Springfield
Interviewed by John Frink and Don Payne
When someone tells you your butt is on fire, you should take them at their word.
There is no such thing as a bad doughnut.
Kids are like monkeys, only louder.
If you want results, press the red button. The rest are useless.
There are some things that just aren't meant to be eaten.
My favorite color is chocolate.
George Carlin - On Aging
George Carlin on Aging - Received this by email. Totally hilarious and, as per George Carlin, so very insightful. Carlin's wisdom grows with age.
George Carlin on Aging
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions. "How old are you?" "I'm four and a half!"
You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key. You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. "How old are you?" "I'm gonna be 16!" You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16!
Walking Robot Powered by Wind
Walking Robot Powered by Wind - Fascinating video, it's actually a commercial for BMW, but...Wow! This contraption doesn't look like it should work. Have a look...
(:youtube a7Ny5BYc-Fs:)
Walking Robot Powered by Wind
Young Boy Receives Flag...at Father's Funeral
No words....
Aeroscraft Air Ship
Aeroscraft Air Ship - I find this a fascinating idea, a cruise ship for the skies. NY Nerds posted this picture with commentary. I thought it was a joke...and it may be...but it's still an interesting idea. A fighter jet it ain't, but the available space per passenger would beat the hell out of the airline's current cattle-car offerings. Also, could it be a fuel saver--relying on the helium (or hydrogen?) as lift?
HTML Code Prevents Browser from Using Cache
Prevent Page Caching in Browsers - Surprisingly, there isn't an easy, 100% reliable method and success depends a bit on the type of content you are targeting (Flash, vidoe, images, text). Here are some approaches to try...
Cornell Note-taking Method
The Cornell Note-taking Method
The Cornell method involves organizing your note-taking page into two regions, left and right. After writing the notes in the main, right-hand space, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or "cue." When studying, use the cues to recall the material.
Maple Tree in Fall 2006
Fall Colors - This gorgeous shot was taken at the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon--our old stomping grounds. Happy Fall Harvest everyone!
Nerves Communicate by Sound - NOT Electricity
Fascinating new theory about how nerves talk with each other. New idea was "stimulated" by the fact we don't understand how anesthetics work, and that current theories of an anesthetic mechanism do not seem compatible with popular "electricity" theories of how nerves work.
But substitute sound for electricity, and things start to make sense. Fascinating idea. Below are some notes and quotes:
Best Photo of the Moon
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy Diamonds
I wish my wife would read this list. I saw a documentary on PBS about De Beers that totally turned me off to supporting this industry in any way. Liz Stanton has summarized much of the ugly side of this beautiful gem.
Also see Apollo: Real diamonds "grown" in a machine.
How to Best Absorb Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ), also known as ubiquinone, is a natural, fat-soluble antioxidant produced in the body. Some reports claim that statins (Crestor, Lipitor, etc.) interfere with the liver's natural production of Coenzyme Q10, reducing quantities by up to 40 percent. As a result, some suggest statin users take supplements of Coenzyme Q10, but warn that absorption varies. Here's some help I found on eHow for how to best Absorb Coenzyme Q10.
South Beach Heart Health Revolution - by Agatston - Notes
Calcium score - Also called Agatston score, measures the amount of calcified plaque inside the coronary arteries. Higher the calcium score, the higher the chance of heart attack. Excellent predictor of future heart attack risk.
Computed tomography (CT) or electron beam tomography (EBT) - used for imaging heart. Scans provide a calcium score?
Atherosclerosis - When artery walls gradually filled with plaque (cholesterol, inflammatory cells, scar tissue). Different kinds of plaque. Heart attack caused when soft cholesterol rich plaque bursts, resulting in blood clot. Blood clot blocks blood flow to heart. News to me. I thought plaque, not a blood clot, that caused artery blockage and heart attack. But this clot model makes sense, given sudden nature of heart attack. A slowly developing plaque blockage should give the heart time to grow collateral vessels.
Better model of heart attack - Heart attack not caused by plaque blockage in the tube of the vessel (old school). The culprit is plaque depositing in the inner lining of vessel walls, like pimple filled with cholesterol. When pimples bursts, an injury site is created. To heal the injury, a clot will form. If the clot is big enough, it blocks the artery, causing heart attack.
Scrubs Cast Helps Ted Propose to Anna
(:youtube jFwL6iFDk9Q:)
Ted and Anna Get Engaged on Scrubs
How to Use a Napkin - Dan Roam - Six-by-Six Rule
The Back of the Napkin author Dan Roam gave a wonderful Google Talk where he described his Six by Six Rule of problem solving. In his consultant work with corporate execs, Roam's "value proposition" is...
He supports this assertion with the observation that humans are fundamentally visual creatures -- over 75% of the sensory processing going on in the brain is visual processing. Further, the brain seems to process information using at least six "pathways"...
Hack Windows XP Home To Windows XP Professional
Hack to Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Professional
Enable the features found in Windows XP Professional on your Windows XP Home Edition installation with this hack. It will allow you to turn your Windows XP Home CD into a Windows XP Professional CD.
Note: If your Windows XP CD does not contain Service Pack 2, you might want to Slipstream Your Windows XP CD first as you will not be able to upgrade an installation after using the CD.
How Sewing Machine Works - Great Illustration
How Sewing Machine Works - I'd alway wondered. In fact, as a schoolboy, I struggled to understand the mechanism, and now, with this animated gif, I get it...I think...WAIT! There's something wrong with this picture.
Mediterranean Diet NOT Best for Blood Sugar Control
A new study found that a diet of "low-glycemic foods" -- such as beans, nuts, peas, lentils and pasta -- was superior to a high-cereal-fiber diet -- think pumpernickel, rye pita, quinoa, large flake oatmeal and oat bran -- when it comes to lowering blood sugar and other risk factors for heart disease in people with diabetes.
~ 'Mediterranean'-Style Diet Best for Blood Sugar Control - washingtonpost.com
It's a step in the right direction, but overlooks the obvious: people with diabetes 2 are producing insulin but many of their cells have reduced sensitivity to insulin. Without insulin sensitivity, blood glucose levels (from sugar and carbs) remain high causing all kinds of problems.
So why not simply focus on reducing carbs in diabetic 2 people? That way blood sugar doesn't elevate and their body doesn't pump out insulin, which isn't working anyway. Seems so obvious.
Stress Can Shrink and Age Your Brain
Stress Can Shrink and Age Your Brain
Fact: Stress shrinks neuronal cells in the brain that affect memory, decision-making, and attention (at least in mice).
Prevention: Exercise and seeing a "shrink" (cognitive therapy, etc.)
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