Note Home from Teacher - Let's hope things have improved since this letter was written...second to last paragraphs sounds like something out of a President Bush press conference.

April 20th, 1994


May already know this, but in case of Alex has neglected to tell you, I'm assigning him to detention for 1 hour this Friday, April 22nd. The reason is as follows:

Alex consistently defies me. And during class he contradicted me numerous times when I suggested that the length of one kilometer was greater than that of one mile. Every other student in the class accepted my lesson without argument, but your son refused to believe what I told him, offering such rebuttals as, " You're lying to the class," in commanding other students to question my curriculum.

Although he was correct, Alex's actions show of blatant disregard for authority, and a complete lack of respect for the school. In the future, Alex would be better off simply accepting my teaching without resistance.

Please see to it that your son understands this.

Adam Hilliker

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BIG D — 20 January 2008, 17:04

is this real?

Brent — 21 January 2008, 08:08

I don't know...I sure hope not, but somehow it seems plausible, which is sad. With my son, I feel we've been extremely lucky with the public school teachers he's had. Excellent people. VERY hard working. I can't see any of them saying this.

No one cares — 06 April 2008, 03:30

Brent, no one cares

Brent — 06 April 2008, 06:42

Ha! I hope you're wrong that no one cares. I know I care, and I hope my son would have the self confidence to "blatantly disregard authority"--even his parents'--if he thought that authority was wrong.