In progress

  1. Atherosclerotic plaques deposit in response to injury
  2. Mechanical stress causes heart disease in vitamin-C-starved tissues
  3. In 1989 it was discovered that Lp(a) binds to form plaque, not LDL
  4. Ordinary cholesterol cannot and does not cause heart disease
  5. Ten-year experience shows Pauling Therapy is effective, and safe as long as vitamin C is increased.
  6. Pauling's therapy is so safe, and the medical condition so grave, there is no plausible reason for any physician resisting it, especially in otherwise hopeless cases
  7. Vitamin C Lowers (LDL) Cholesterol More than Statin Drugs
  8. Artifical statin drugs increase Lp(a) and lower CoQ10 causing myopathies
  9. Nearly 60 million Americans are diagnosed with Cardiovascular disease
  10. Retinal photos confirm chronic scurvy, reversals and Pauling/Rath theory
  11. Pharmacology experts cite numerous errors in vitamin C RDA research
  12. Bizzaro World: No published clinical studies!?

Source for above list

Reversing Heart Disease - The bodies of humans (like guinea pigs) do not synthesize their own Vitamin C. Both species must ingest Vitamin C they need through the foods in their diet. A diet deficient in Vitamin C can lead to a condition of Vitamin C deficiency. Coincidentally, species that do not produce their own Vitamin C also have a higher incidence of heart disease than Vitamin C synthesizing species.

Experiments performed by Canadian physician G. C. Willis suggest that "atherosclerosis plaques" readily form over vitamin-C-starved vascular tissues in both guinea pigs and humans. But what are the plaques composed of?

Often the plaques are composed of cholesterol, specifically Lp(a) cholesterol. Lp(a) cholesterol binds to specific binding sites found in the arterial walls. These binding sites are often referred to as "Lysine binding sites" because they bind the molecule Lysine so readily. In fact, a number or molecules besides Lp(a) cholesterol will attach to these binding sites. And it is that behavior that researchers Linus Pauliing and Matthias Rath hoped to exploit.

Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath found that Vitamin C, Lysine, and proline will help prevent Lp(a) cholesterol from binding to Lysine binding sites. They believed this finding could help reverse vascular disease and destroy atherosclerotic plaques.

Atherosclerotic plaques are not uniformly distributed throughout the vascular system. Instead, these "blockages" are concentrated near the heart, where the arteries are constantly bent or squeezed. This constant bending and squeezing causes lesions or cracks in the interior arterial walls. The body repairs these cracks guessed it... cholesterol, of which Lp(a) is the most prevalent.

Vitamin C is needed for strong healthy arteries. Paterson, another Canadian researcher, found that the body tissues of heart patients were often depleted of vitamin C. Upon learning this, Willis suggested that the mechanical stress caused by the beating, pulsing heart could explain the common pattern of atherosclerosis. In this way, the body was depositing plaque exactly where it was needed.

Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It's Too Late - by Sinatra, James C., M.D. Roberts, and Martin Zucker

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