Installing/Moving PmWiki Website to WebFaction - I became so frustrated when first using WebFaction for hosting as I couldn't get my PmWiki website (this website) to work. Finally got it installed; here are some things to remember...
- Don't panic. You can't create a folder/directory using FTP client or SSH in the webapps directory. You must first create a new application, which will create the directory.
- Applications menu - add new application
- Select PHP from app category. This creates a folder
- Now copy the PHP code files & folders (via FTP) to the just created application directory
- Websites menu, select the website you've probably already created for the domain. (If you haven't, just follow instructions on WebFaction site.)
- Select edit website under Options (DO NOT "add new website")
- Add New under Site Apps
- Select app you just made and assign path
- Click update
That gets you to the point where the files are in the right place and assigned the application to your website; HOWEVER, if you try to run the site from the URL it likely won't work. In my case, even after updating the config.php file I got "URL cannot be found 404" errors. Here's how I fixed that:
- Edit "index.php" to update path to pmwiki.php file (assumes you used this ploy for your website)
- Edit (or add file) .htaccess and add
RewriteBase /<app_directory>
- Add set_document_root.php file to app directory which contains code:
<?php $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/home/<useraccount>/webapps/<app_directory>'; ?>
- Edit (or add file) php.ini in app directory and add:
auto_prepend_file = "/home/<accountname>/webapps/<app_directory>/set_document_root.php"
This second set of steps should tell the server the correct paths to your PmWiki install. If you run a wiki farm, you'll have to do this for each site.
With luck, the site will now work :)